Anatomy & Physiology I

Get a comprehensive look at the human body with Anatomy & Physiology I. Learn anatomical terminology and how to detect and treat diseases and disorders. You will also cover the relationship of chemistry to anatomy and physiology.

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Anatomy & Physiology I


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3 Credits

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3 Credits

All courses include:


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Anatomy & Physiology I


Plus membership

3 Credits

About This Course

ACE Approved 2022

Anatomy & Physiology I provides a comprehensive look at the human body’s structure and functions.

What You'll Learn

Describe the structural and functional organization of the body.

Explain the characteristics of life.

Use anatomical terminology.

Describe how the body maintains homeostasis

Relate chemistry to the field of anatomy and physiology.

Describe how cells function and divide.

Discuss the structures and functions of the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous and endocrine systems.

Describe how muscles, bones, and nerves work together to create movement.

Describe the structure and function of sensory organs.

Compare healthy and diseased tissues.

Name several diseases and disorders of the body and explain what causes them.

Explain how diseases and disorders of the body are detected and treated.

Describe the interactions between various organ systems in the body.

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Anatomy & Physiology I

Learn about topics like the organization of the body, characteristics of life, anatomical terminology, how the body maintains homeostasis, the relationship of chemistry to anatomy and physiology, sensory organs, and the endocrine system. This Anatomy and Physiology I online college course will teach you about diseases and disorders, in addition to their causes, detections, and treatment.


There are no prerequisites to take Anatomy & Physiology I.

Topic Subtopics
Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology
  • Structural and Functional Organization of the Body
  • Characteristics of Life
  • Homeostasis and Homeostatic Mechanisms
  • Anatomical Terminology
Chemistry for Anatomy and Physiology Students
  • Basic Chemistry
  • Chemical Reactions and Energy
  • Inorganic Chemistry
  • Organic Chemistry
Cell Biology
  • Functions of the Cell
  • Plasma Membrane
  • Membrane Lipids
  • Membrane Proteins
  • Movement Through the Plasma Membrane
  • Endocytosis and Exocytosis
  • The Nucleus and Cytoplasmic Organelles
  • Genes and Gene Expression
  • Cell Life Cycle
  • Genetics
  • Histology
  • Embryonic Tissue
  • Epithelial Tissue
  • Connective Tissue
  • Muscle Tissue
  • Nervous Tissue
  • Tissue Membranes
  • Tissue Damage and Inflammation
  • Tissue Repair
Integumentary System
  • Functions of the Integumentary System
  • Skin
  • Subcutaneous Tissue
  • Accessory Skin Structures
  • Physiology of the Integumentary System
  • Burns and Other Skin Disorders
Bones and Skeletal System
  • Functions of the Skeletal System
  • Cartilage
  • Bone Histology
  • Bone Anatomy
  • Bone Development
  • Bone Growth
  • Bone Remodeling
  • Bone Repair
  • Calcium Homeostasis
  • Skeletal Anatomy Overview
  • Axial Skeleton
  • Appendicular Skeleton
  • Bone Disorders
  • Classes of Joints
  • Types of Movement
  • Range of Motion
  • Descriptions of Selected Joints
  • Joint Disorders
Muscular System Histology and Physiology
  • Functions of the Muscular System
  • General Properties of Muscle
  • Skeletal Muscle Structure
  • Sliding Filament Model
  • Physiology of Skeletal Muscle Fibers
  • Physiology of Skeletal Muscle
  • Muscle Fatigue
  • Energy Sources
  • Slow and Fast Fibers
  • Heat Production
  • Smooth Muscle
  • Cardiac Muscle
  • Muscle Disorders
Muscular System Gross Anatomy
  • General Principles of Skeletal Muscle Anatomy
  • Head and Neck Muscles
  • Trunk Muscles
  • Upper Limb Muscles
  • Lower Limb Muscles
  • Disorders of Muscles
Functional Organization of Nervous Tissue
  • Functions of the Nervous System
  • Divisions of the Nervous System
  • Cells of the Nervous System
  • Organization of Nervous Tissue
  • Electrical Signals
  • The Synapse
  • Neuronal Pathways and Circuits
Spinal Cord, Spinal Nerves, Brain, and Cranial Nerves
  • Spinal Cord
  • Reflexes
  • Spinal Nerves
  • Development of the CNS
  • Brainstem
  • Cerebellum
  • Diencephalon
  • Cerebrum
  • Meninges, Ventricles, and Cerebrospinal Fluid
  • Cranial Nerves
Integration of Nervous System Functions
  • Sensation
  • Control of Skeletal Muscles
  • Brainstem Functions
  • Higher Brain Functions
The Special Senses
  • Olfaction
  • Taste
  • Visual System
  • Hearing and Balance
Autonomic Nervous System
  • Contrasting the Somatic and Autonomic Nervous Systems
  • Anatomy of the Autonomic Nervous System
  • Physiology of the Autonomic Nervous System
  • Regulation of the Autonomic Nervous System
  • Functional Generalizations About the Autonomic Nervous System
Functional Organization of the Endocrine System and Endocrine Glands
  • Principles of Chemical Communication
  • Hormones
  • Control of Hormone Secretion
  • Hormone Receptors and Mechanisms of Action
  • Overview of the Endocrine System
  • Pituitary Gland and Hypothalamus
  • Thyroid Gland
  • Parathyroid Glands
  • Adrenal Glands
  • Pancreas
  • Hormonal Regulation of Nutrient Utilization
  • Hormones of the Reproductive System
  • Hormones of the Pineal Gland
  • Other Hormones and Chemical Messengers

Your score provides a percentage score and letter grade for each course. A passing percentage is 70% or higher.

Assignments for this course include 4 graded exams.

The required eTextbook for this course is included with your course purchase at no additional cost.

VanPutte, Cinnamon, Jennifer Regan, and Andrew Russo. Seeley’s Anatomy & Physiology, 11th edition., McGraw-Hill, 2017, ISBN: 9780077736224

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