
Learn about microbiology as it applies to the healthcare field, including pathogenic microorganisms and their role in human disease, human immunology, symptoms and treatment of microbial infection, among others.

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All courses include:


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3 Credits

About This Course

ACE Approved 2022

Learn about pathogenic microorganisms and their role in human disease, human immunology, symptoms and treatment of microbial infection, and preventative measures against microbial infection.

What You'll Learn

Describe the basic characteristics, and classify the microorganisms studied.

Understand the interaction between the microbe and host.

Describe the symptoms, causative agent, pathogenesis, epidemiology, prevention and treatment for the infectious diseases studied.

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Course Details




The online Microbiology course teaches you microbiology as it applies to the healthcare field. The objective of this course is to provide an understanding of recognition, treatment and prevention of microbial pathogenesis.


There are no prerequisites to take Microbiology; however it is suggested that you have successfully completed a college level Biology course such as Introduction to Biology (BIO101).

Topic Subtopics
Themes of Microbiology
  • The Scope of Microbiology
  • The Impact of Microbes on Earth: Small Organisms with a Giant Effect
  • Human Use of Microorganisms
  • Infectious Diseases and the Human Condition
  • The General Characteristics of Microorganisms
  • The Historical Foundations of Microbiology
  • Naming, Classifying, and Identifying Microorganisms
Chemistry of Biology
  • Atoms, Bonds, and Molecules: Fundamental Building Blocks
  • Macromolecules: Superstructures of Life
  • Cells: Where Chemicals Come to Life
Tools of the Laboratory
  • Methods of Culturing Microorganisms: The Five I’s
  • The Microscope: Window on an Invisible Realm
Bacteria and Archaea
  • Prokaryotic Form and Function
  • External Structures
  • The Cell Envelope: The Boundary Layer of Bacteria
  • Bacterial Internal Structure
  • Prokaryotic Shapes, Arrangements, and Sizes
  • Classification Systems in the Prokaryotae
  • The Archaea
Eukaryotic Cells and Microorganisms
  • The History of Eukaryotes
  • Form and Function of the Eukaryotic Cell: External Structures
  • Form and Function of the Eukaryotic Cell: Internal Structures
  • The Kingdom of the Fungi
  • The Protists
  • The Parasitic Helminths
Introduction to the Viruses
  • The Search for the Elusive Viruses
  • The Position of Viruses in the Biological Spectrum
  • The General Structure of Viruses
  • How Viruses Are Classified and Named
  • Modes of Viral Replication
  • Techniques in Cultivating and Identifying Animal Viruses
  • Medical Importance of Viruses
  • Other Noncellular Infectious Agents
  • Treatment of Animal Viral Infections
Microbial Nutrition and Growth
  • Microbial Nutrition
  • Environmental Factors That Influence Microbes
  • The Study of Microbial Growth
Microbial Metabolism
  • The Metabolism of Microbes
  • The Pursuit and Utilization of Energy
  • Biosynthesis and the Crossing Pathways of Metabolism
  • It All Starts with Light
Microbial Genetics
  • Introduction to Genetics and Genes: Unlocking the Secrets of Heredity
  • Applications of the DNA Code: Transcription and Translation
  • Genetic Regulation of Protein Synthesis
  • Mutations: Changes in the Genetic Code
  • DNA Recombination Events
Genetic Analysis and Genetic Engineering
  • Basic Elements and Applications of Genetic Engineering
  • Tools and Techniques of Genetic Engineering
  • Methods in Recombinant DNA Technology: How to Imitate Nature
  • Biochemical Products of Recombinant DNA Technology
  • Genetically Modified Organisms
  • Genetic Treatments: Introducing DNA into the Body
  • Genome Analysis: Maps and Profiles
Physical and Chemical Control of Microbes
  • Controlling Microorganisms
  • Methods of Physical Control
  • Chemical Agents in Microbial Control
Antimicrobial Treatment
  • Principles of Antimicrobial Therapy
  • Interactions Between Drug and Microbe
  • Survey of Major Antimicrobial Drug Groups
  • Interactions Between Drug and Host
  • Considerations in Selecting an Antimicrobial Drug
Microbe-Human Interactions: Health and Disease
  • The Human Host
  • The Progress of an Infection
  • Epidemiology: The Study of Disease in Populations
Host Defenses I: Overview and Nonspecific Defenses
  • Defense Mechanisms of the Host: An Overview
  • The First Line of Defense
  • The Second Line of Defense
Host Defenses II: Specific Immunity and Immunization
  • Specific Immunity: The Third and Final Line of Defense
  • Step I: Lymphocyte Development
  • Step II: Presentation of Antigens
  • Steps III and IV: BCell Response
  • Steps III and IV: TCell Response
  • Specific Immunity and Vaccination
Disorders in Immunity
  • The Immune Response: A Two-Sided Coin
  • Type I Allergic Reactions: Atopy and Anaphylaxis
  • Type II Hypersensitivities: Reactions That Lyse Foreign Cells
  • Type III Hypersensitivities: Immune Complex Reactions
  • Type IV Hypersensitivities: Cell-Mediated (Delayed) Reactions
  • An Inappropriate Response Against Self: Autoimmunity
  • Immunodeficiency Diseases: Hyposensitivity of the Immune System
Diagnosing Infections
  • Preparation for the Survey of Microbial Diseases
  • On the Track of the Infectious Agent: Specimen Collection
  • Phenotypic Methods
  • Genotypic Methods
  • Immunologic Methods
Infectious Diseases (Skin and Eyes)
  • The Skin and Its Defenses
  • Normal Biota of the Skin
  • Skin Diseases Caused by Microorganisms
  • The Surface of the Eye and Its Defenses
  • Normal Biota of the Eye
  • Eye Diseases Caused by Microorganisms
Infectious Diseases (Nervous System)
  • The Nervous System and Its Defenses
  • Normal Biota of the Nervous System
  • Nervous System Diseases Caused by Microorganisms
Infectious Diseases (Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems)
  • The Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems and Their Defenses
  • Normal Biota of the Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems
  • Cardiovascular and Lymphatic System Diseases Caused by Microorganisms
Infectious Diseases (Respiratory System)
  • The Respiratory Tract and Its Defenses
  • Normal Biota of the Respiratory Tract
  • Upper Respiratory Tract Diseases Caused by Microorganisms
  • Diseases Caused by Microorganisms Affecting Both the Upper and Lower Respiratory Tracts
  • Lower Respiratory Tract Diseases Caused by Microorganisms
Infectious Diseases (Gastrointestinal Tract)
  • The Gastrointestinal Tract and Its Defenses
  • Normal Biota of the Gastrointestinal Tract
  • Gastrointestinal Tract Diseases Caused by Microorganisms (Nonhelminthic)
  • Gastrointestinal Tract Diseases Caused by Helminths
Infectious Diseases (Genitourinary System)
  • The Genitourinary Tract and Its Defenses
  • Normal Biota of the Genitourinary Tract
  • Urinary Tract Diseases Caused by Microorganisms
  • Reproductive Tract Diseases Caused by Microorganisms
Environmental Microbiology
  • Ecology: The Interconnecting Web of Life
  • The Natural Recycling of Bioelements
  • Microbes on Land and in Water
Applied Microbiology and Food and Water Safety
  • Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
  • Microorganisms in Water and Wastewater Treatment
  • Microorganisms Making Food and Spoiling Food
  • Using Microorganisms to Make Things We Need

Your score provides a percentage score and letter grade for each course. A passing percentage is 70% or higher.

Assignments for this course include:

  • 4 Graded Exams
  • 1 Graded Midterm
  • 1 Graded Final

The required eTextbook for this course is included with your course purchase at no additional cost.

Cowan, Marjorie Kelly, and Heidi Smith. Microbiology: A Systems Approach. 6th ed., McGraw-Hill, 2021.

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