How StraighterLine Works: How to Earn College Credit Online

How StraighterLine Works: How to Earn College Credit Online

14 minute read

Do you feel like the traditional college route is a bit too... traditional? You're not alone. It's time to explore how to earn college credit online.

Enter StraighterLine, where the hum of a crowded lecture hall is replaced with the comfort of your favorite study nook. Here, every course is an invitation to advance on your terms—be it to round off prerequisites, chip away at the costs of a traditional degree, or upskill for the job you’re eyeing.

Since 2008, StraighterLine has been the quiet revolution in the lives of over 350,000 learners, a testament to the belief that education should adapt to your pace, not the other way around.

Picture a supportive backdrop that understands the balancing act between advancing your education and managing a bustling life. This is what StraighterLine offers: a catalog of courses meticulously crafted and quality-assured to bridge the gap between your present and your aspirations.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll introduce you to StraighterLine and demystify how our process works, from signing up and selecting courses to transferring credits and understanding membership pricing.

As you read on, envision how StraighterLine aligns with the chapters of your own educational journey, transforming the landscape of learning into your personalized roadmap.

How to Earn College Credit Online with StraighterLine

Let's delve into the details of how you can actually earn those college credits. From the moment you activate your membership to the day you transfer your credits, each step is a milestone on your academic journey. Here is an outline of the entire process, but don’t worry—we’ll go into more detail for each step further down in this guide.

Step 1: Get Started with StraighterLine

First things first, in order to earn college credits online you'll need to sign up for a StraighterLine membership. For a monthly fee, you unlock the gateway to a plethora of courses, online tutoring, and live support. Think of it as your all-access pass to a world of learning opportunities.

Step 2: The Adventure of Course Selection

Once you're a bonafide member, it's time to pick your courses. With a growing library of available courses, you're spoiled for choice. Whether you're into Psychology, Business, or even Mathematics, there's something for everyone. And the best part? Every course you take not only saves you money but can also count toward your degree.

Step 3: You're Not Alone—Support is Just a Click Away

Worried about navigating the online education landscape solo? Fear not! Your StraighterLine membership comes with online tutoring and live student support services. Whether you're stuck on a tricky assignment or need technical help, assistance is always at your fingertips—more on this in a bit.

Step 4: The Milestones Along the Way

The beauty of StraighterLine lies in its flexibility. You can pace yourself, balancing life's other commitments as you make your way through the course. To earn those coveted credits, you'll complete all required assignments and exams. Each completed task is a milestone, bringing you closer to your ultimate goal.

Step 5: The Final Chapter and a New Beginning

You've done it. You've successfully completed your course. After you've aced your courses, you can request a transcript at no extra cost. This transcript can be submitted to your college of choice for credit evaluation. And with StraighterLine's partnerships with over 160 accredited colleges and universities, transferring credits is often a breeze.

The ACE Advantage

All StraighterLine courses come with a stamp of approval from the American Council of Education (ACE). This organization is a big deal in the world of higher education—not only are they a prestigious higher education organization but also a critical indicator for academic standards and innovation in the United States.

Recognized as the major coordinating body for the nation's colleges and universities, ACE's endorsement signifies that StraighterLine's courses meet rigorous educational criteria. By achieving this gold standard of accreditation, StraighterLine distinguishes itself in the competitive landscape of online education providers.

So when StraighterLine boasts the ACE Advantage, it's announcing that its courses have been rigorously evaluated and deemed equivalent to traditional college coursework by an authority trusted by institutions nationwide.

An ACE recommendation is your golden ticket to transferring credits. It outlines how many credits a course is worth and what it equates to at different colleges and universities. Once you complete a StraighterLine course, you’ll receive a transcript that affirms the value and applicability of your hard-earned credits in your continuing educational journey.

Unlock Your Potential with StraighterLine Courses

You're all set up and eager to start earning those credits. But what can you expect from the courses themselves, and how does our grading system work? Here’s a breakdown.

What's Inside a Course: A Closer Look

Each StraighterLine course comes with a well-thought-out syllabus that guides you through various topics. These topics can include a mix of reading assignments, lesson presentations, review activities, and homework assignments. It's a complete package put together by college faculty who are experts in the subject, all to make sure you really get the key ideas you need to ace the course.

Lab Work: Science at Your Fingertips

For those of you interested in science courses, StraighterLine offers lab courses that you can complete from the comfort of your home. Once you receive the lab kit that we ship to you, you're good to go! Each lab also comes with a downloadable worksheet to guide you through the experiment, making science both accessible and fun.

Assessments & Assignments: Show What You Know

From written assignments to lab work and exams, each course offers a variety of ways to demonstrate your knowledge. And don't worry, most first assignments and exams can be retaken to improve your grade. Just make sure you're well-prepared and in a distraction-free zone when you take them.

Exam Time? No Worries!

To ensure the integrity of your learning, StraighterLine requires final exams to be proctored. This is done through an online service called ProctorU, allowing you to take the exam in your preferred location. Just make sure you have a webcam ready!

Grading: Fair and Transparent

StraighterLine provides both a percentage score and a letter grade, with 70% being the passing mark. And who's behind the grading? Highly qualified professionals with at least a master's degree in their field, committed to helping you succeed.

Second Chances: Retaking a Course

Not thrilled with your grade? StraighterLine offers you the opportunity to retake a course. The highest score from all your attempts will be the one that shines on your transcript. But remember, each attempt requires you to complete all required exams and assignments, so give it your best shot!

Your Course, Your Rules

StraighterLine courses are more than just a convenient alternative to traditional education. They're a testament to how learning can be flexible, personalized, and rewarding. With a variety of courses, a flexible structure, and a supportive grading system, StraighterLine empowers you to take control of your education.

MyLine: A One-Stop-Shop for Streamlined Student Success

When it comes to juggling life and education, it's all about striking a balance. That's where MyLine, your personal StraighterLine student dashboard, swoops in like a hero. Consider it your 24/7 virtual assistant that's laser-focused on your educational goals.

Round-the-Clock Support: More Than Just a Help Button

Need more personalized help? No problem. Your StraighterLine membership comes with a host of valuable tutoring options. Log into MyLine, and a crew of seasoned subject matter experts is at your disposal, offering on-demand, personalized support.

Take Control: Real-Time Academic Tracking

MyLine isn’t just about support; it’s about empowering you. Real-time tracking of your course progress and grades keeps you informed, so you always know where you stand.

Easy Exam Scheduling with ProctorU

MyLine also makes scheduling your exams a breeze by natively integrating with ProctorU—a powerful tool for taking tests at home.

Your Academic Roadmap: Customized College and Degree Plans

That's not all. MyLine even allows you to set your target college and degree plan, customizing your StraighterLine experience for your ultimate goals. How easy is that?

The Future of Learning: StraighterLine's eTextbooks

Our eTextbooks are more than just digital versions of paper books; they're dynamic tools designed to enhance your learning experience. Whether you're on your smartphone, tablet, or computer, you can pick up right where you left off. Need to cite a quote? Our built-in citation tools will format it for you in MLA or APA style. It's like having a personal study assistant!

No Extra Cost, Just Extra Convenience

First things first—we believe that having the right tools is crucial for academic success. That’s why our eTextbooks come at no additional cost when you enroll in a StraighterLine course. Textbook usage is a key factor in your educational journey, so we've removed that barrier. Now, all you need to focus on is absorbing that knowledge and acing your courses.

The Perks: Why eTextbooks Rock

  • Always Available: Your eTextbook is just a click away, anytime you need it.

  • Portable: Whether you're at home, in a café, or even on a mountain (provided you have internet), your eTextbook is always with you.

  • Student-Friendly: Bookmarking, highlighting, and note-taking features make it easy to keep track of important information.

  • Device Flexibility: Smartphone, tablet, or computer—choose your weapon of choice for studying.

  • Sync-Enabled: Switching between devices? Your eTextbook remembers where you left off, so you don't have to.

  • Accessible: For those who prefer auditory learning, the text-to-speech option has got your back.

Your Study Buddy for Success

StraighterLine's eTextbooks are more than just digital versions of paper textbooks; they're a dynamic tool designed to adapt to your learning style and needs while you earn college credit online. With a plethora of features and the flexibility to access your study material anytime, anywhere, these eTextbooks are your ticket to academic success.

StraighterLine Support Services: Your Success, Our Priority

What if you're working on a challenging assignment and you're unsure how to proceed? It's a common situation, but at StraighterLine, you have a wealth of resources to help you find your way. We're dedicated to ensuring you have everything you need to confidently complete your courses.

Orientation & Tutorials: Your First Steps to Success

Starting something new can be intimidating, especially if you're used to traditional classroom settings. But don't sweat it! We offer a range of orientation videos and tutorials to help you get the hang of things. Whether it's navigating your dashboard, submitting assignments, or even understanding your grades, we've got a guide for that. And if you still have questions, our Student Advisors are just a click away.

Anytime Assistance: 24/7 Personal Tutoring

Ever found yourself stuck on an assignment at odd hours? With StraighterLine, you get free, one-on-one online tutoring—anytime, anywhere.

Whether you're refining an essay or need help with a specific problem, our tutors are available to assist you at any time. You can either schedule a session in advance or seek help spontaneously when you encounter a roadblock. You're always supported in your educational journey.

The Ultimate Guide to Transferring Your StraighterLine Credits to Your Dream College

You've successfully completed a StraighterLine course—congratulations! But what's next? How do you make sure the credits you've earned pave the way for your academic future? Let's demystify the credit transfer process and policies, ensuring you're well-equipped for the next leg of your educational journey.

Step 1: Know Your Eligible Courses

Before you begin the process of transferring, make sure you know which courses are eligible. To be in the clear, your course should be marked as "Complete" in StraighterLine's system, have a final grade above 70%, and be free from any academic holds.

By the way, we offer an easy way to review which courses are guaranteed to transfer at your institution. It’s all here at our handy College Finder Guide.

Step 2: Request That All-Important Transcript

Once you've confirmed your courses are eligible, it's time to request your transcript. This document proves the credits you've earned and makes them transferable to your university of choice.

Step 3: Submit Your Transcript

Now, armed with your transcript, you'll need to submit it to the right office at your chosen university. This could be a student advisor or the academic registrar—each school has its own process. Make sure you know who handles transfer credits at your specific institution.

Your Syllabus is Your Passport to Your Dream College

Keep in mind that each college has its own set of rules when it comes to transferring credits. They'll typically compare your StraighterLine courses to the ones they offer to see if they match up. We make this process as easy as possible for universities by providing an easy-to-access syllabus for every course you take. This document allows for your university of choice to quickly and easily determine course equivalencies to make your transfer as smooth as possible.

How StraighterLine Membership Pricing Works For You

When you become a StraighterLine member, you're stepping into a world of unlimited learning opportunities. Whether you're taking one course or ten, your monthly fee remains the same, offering you the freedom to learn at your own pace while you earn college credit online. And the best part? There's no red tape to cut through.

For the most current pricing details, be sure to visit our pricing page. There, you'll find a straightforward and transparent breakdown of membership and course fees, with no hidden costs or strings attached.

What's in a StraighterLine Membership? More Than You'd Expect!

Your monthly membership is more than just a ticket to affordable courses. It's a bundle of perks designed to support your educational journey:

  • Unlimited Courses: Take as many courses as you want for a fraction of the cost of college tuition.

  • Zero Application Fees: Start learning immediately without any admission hurdles.

  • Free Tutoring: Stuck on an assignment? Get free one-on-one online tutoring.

  • Live Support: Have questions? StraighterLine's dedicated Student Advisors are just a click away.

  • eTextbooks: Say goodbye to pricey textbooks. Your eTextbook is just a click away, anytime you need it.

Membership Flexibility: Come and Go as You Please

We get it—life happens, and sometimes you need to take a break. With StraighterLine, you can pause your membership anytime and pick up right where you left off when you're ready. Your course progress? Saved. Your peace of mind? Intact.

Quality You Can Trust: The StraighterLine Seal of Approval

Okay, let's discuss accreditation. While StraighterLine itself isn't accredited (because we don't confer degrees), our courses undergo rigorous quality checks by the American Council on Education (ACE). Plus, our partner colleges are accredited and many even rank in the U.S. News & World Report’s Best Online Bachelor’s Programs. So rest easy, you're in good hands.

Demonstrated Success: The StraighterLine Advantage

We’re not merely making claims; we have the evidence to prove our success. Based on a case study with Strayer University, 41% more students who went through StraighterLine before entering college and transferring their credit were successful completing their degree than those who didn’t. That's a win-win if you ask us!

The StraighterLine Advantage—Your Pathway to Academic Success, Simplified

Choosing where to earn your college credits is a big decision, but it doesn't have to be a stressful one. With StraighterLine, you're not just enrolling in courses; you're joining a community committed to your academic and professional success.

From our flexible, self-paced courses and free eTextbooks to our robust support services like 24/7 tutoring and step-by-step orientation, we've got everything you need to succeed. Add in our commitment to quality and affordability, and it's clear: StraighterLine is your most straightforward path to achieving your educational goals.

So why wait? Take the first step toward a brighter future today with StraighterLine.

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