Teaching Students with Exceptionalities

Learn what professionals can do to educate students with special needs alongside peers without exceptionalities to the maximum extent appropriate. Gain a critical understanding of the history, definitions, causes, characteristics, and identification of exceptional students that are required to make informed teaching decisions.

What you’ll learn

  • Students can complete in as little as 30 days.
  • StraighterLine courses have transferred over 162,000 times.
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Teaching Students with Exceptionalities


Plus membership

3 Credits

All courses include:


2 to 3-day turnaround for grading

Multiple chances to improve your grade

On-demand tutoring & writing center

Student support 7 days a week


Plus membership

3 Credits

All courses include:


2 to 3-day turnaround for grading

Multiple chances to improve your grade

On-demand tutoring & writing center

Student support 7 days a week

Teaching Students with Exceptionalities


Plus membership

3 Credits

About This Course

ACE Approved 2023

During our Teaching Students with Exceptionalities online course, consider what it means to teach exceptional students and learn how to create a valuable experience for them. Gain an understanding of what professionals can do to educate students with special needs alongside peers without exceptionalities to the maximum extent appropriate.

What You'll Learn

Understand an overview of the history of special education and how it helped shape the current practices in special education.

Identify the principles and procedures associated with placing and serving students in special education and the guidelines established by Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA).

Engage in discussion about the important role collaboration plays in orchestrating successful outcomes for students with special needs and how schools and communities come together to implement best practices.

Review how to identify and teach students with learning disabilities and review the considerations for the general education teacher as well.

Understand the characteristics, causes, and educational needs of students with intellectual disabilities and discuss the importance of encouraging high expectations for individuals with intellectual disabilities.

Discuss the history and definitions of emotional and behavioral disorders and identify strategies for working with students with emotional or behavioral disorders (EBD).

Review the speech and language disorders and how they fall under the broad category of communication disorders, and discuss issues surrounding English language learners.

. Consider the research on possible causes of autism spectrum disorders and apply controversial theories regarding the causes of autism.

Consider the history and foundations of the term “at risk,” and define it and the prevalence factors of at risk students.

Engage in discussion about attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD) and the prevalence figures as well as the history and definitions of AD/HD.

Identify the history and foundational information of gifted education and review models of intelligence and learning while identifying modifications including enrichment and acceleration.

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Course Details



Teaching Students with Exceptionalities

Throughout this special needs teacher course, you will learn the history, definitions, prevalence, causes, characteristics, and identification of exceptional students that need to be understood in order to make informed teaching decisions.


There are no prerequisites to take Teaching Students with Exceptionalities.

Your score provides a percentage score and letter grade for each course. A passing percentage is 70% or higher.

Assignments for this course include:

  • 11 Quizzes
  • 11 Case Studies
  • 1 Slide Presentation
  • 2 Lesson Plans

The required eTextbook for this course is included with your course purchase at no additional cost.

Smiley, L. R., Richards, S. B., & Taylor, R. L. (2022). Exceptional students: Preparing teachers for the 21st century (4th ed). McGraw-Hill.

Teaching Students with Exceptionalities students also take:

Topic Subtopics
Introduction to Special Education
  • Overview of Special Education—Exceptional Students and Special Education
  • History and Litigation of Special Education
  • Current Issues
  • Special Education Processes—The Identification Process
  • Student Eligibility
  • Exceptional Students' Education Program
  • School and Family Collaborations—What is Collaboration?
  • Best Practices for School Personnel and Families
  • Community Collaboration
High and Low Prevalence Exceptionalities—Part 1
  • Students with Learning Disabilities—Foundations and Causes
  • Identification and Teaching
  • Instructional Considerations
High and Low Prevalence Exceptionalities—Part 2
  • Students with Intellectual Disabilities—Foundations and Causes
  • Students with Emotional or Behavioral Disorders—Foundations and Causes
  • Students with Communication Disorders—Foundations and Causes
  • Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders—Foundations and Causes
Other Exceptionalities
  • Students Who Are at Risk—Foundations and Factors
  • Students with ADHD—Foundations and Causes
  • Students Who Are Gifted and Talented—Foundations and Factors

It was time for my next big thing.

StraighterLine made it very easy and convenient to take all the prerequisites I needed to take to advance my career in Science. I liked how flexible it was. I would highly recommend it to anyone.

Things I love about StraighterLine

Time for me

I was able to fit classes into my free time and spend 10 hours a week when I was available.

Variety of courses

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