Introduction to Programming - Python

Get an introduction to programming concepts in the language of your choice: either C++, Python, or Java. Also learn about the core computer science concepts of variables, branching, loops, arrays, and functions.

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Introduction to Programming - Python


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3 Credits

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Plus membership

3 Credits

All courses include:


2 to 3-day turnaround for grading

Multiple chances to improve your grade

On-demand tutoring & writing center

Student support 7 days a week

Introduction to Programming - Python


Plus membership

3 Credits

About This Course

ACE Approved 2023

In our Introduction to Programming online course, choose one of three programming languages you want to learn C++, Python, or Java. Regardless of which language you select, you will also learn about the core computer science concepts of variables, branching, loops, arrays/lists, and functions/methods.

What You'll Learn

Use standard input and output, and understand common syntax errors

Declare and initialize variables with valid identifiers

Develop programs that branch based on user input

Combine loops and arrays/lists, and develop programs with multiple arrays/lists

Write a function/method, then return from a function/method and parameterize a function

Initialize class variables with class constructor

Create derived and abstract classes

Write a recursive function

Use binary search, O notation, and algorithm analysis

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Introduction to Programming in Python

Intro to Programming teaches you object-oriented programming, covers use pointers and streams, and provides a variety of good coding practices, including iterative development, code formatting, and variable naming schemes.


It is suggested, though not required, that students take Pre-Calculus or its equivalent before enrolling in Introduction to Programming in Python.

Topic Subtopics
Introduction to Python 3
  • Programming (general)
  • Programming using Python
  • Basic input and output
  • Errors
  • Development environment
  • Computers and programs (general)
  • Computer tour
  • Language history
  • Why whitespace matters
  • Python example: Salary calculation
  • Additional practice: Output art
Variables and Expressions
  • Variables and assignments
  • Identifiers
  • Objects
  • Numeric types: Floating point
  • Arithmetic expressions
  • Python expressions
  • Division and modulo
  • Module basics
  • Math module
  • Representing text
  • Additional practice: Number games
  • If-else branches (general)
  • Detecting equal values with branches
  • Detecting ranges with branches
  • Detecting ranges using logical operators
  • Detecting ranges with gaps
  • Detecting multiple features with branches
  • Comparing data types and common errors
  • Membership & identity operators
  • Order of evaluation
  • Code blocks and indentation
  • Conditional expressions
  • Additional Practice: Tweet Decoder
  • Loops
  • While loops
  • More while examples
  • Counting
  • For loops
  • Counting using the range()function
  • While vs. for loops
  • Nested loops
  • Developing programs incrementally
  • Break and continue
  • Loop else
  • Getting both index and value when looping: enumerate()
  • Additional practice: Dice statistics
  • User-defined function basics
  • Function parameters
  • Returning values from functions
  • Dynamic typing
  • Reasons for defining functions
  • Function with branches/loops
  • Function stubs
  • Functions are objects
  • Functions: Common errors
  • Scope of variables and functions
  • Namespaces and scope resolution
  • Function arguments
  • String slicing
  • Advanced string formatting
  • String methods
  • Splitting and joining strings
  • The string format method
Lists and Dictionaries
  • Lists
  • List methods
  • Iterating over a list
  • List games
  • List nesting
  • List slicing
  • Loops modifying lists
  • List comprehensions
  • Sorting lists
  • Command-line arguments
  • Additional practice: Engineering examples
  • Dictionaries
  • Dictionary methods
  • Iterating over a dictionary
  • Dictionary nesting
  • String formatting using Dictionaries
  • Classes: Introduction
  • Classes: Grouping data
  • Class methods
  • Class and instance object types
  • Class example: Seat reservation system
  • Class constructors
  • Class interfaces
  • Class customization
  • More operator overloading:
  • Classes as numeric types
  • Memory allocation and garbage collection
  • Handling exceptions using try and except
  • Multiple exception handlers Raising exceptions
  • Exceptions with functions
  • Using finally to cleanup
  • Custom exception types
  • Modules
  • Finding modules
  • Importing specific names from a module
  • Executing modules as scripts
  • Reloading modules
  • Packages
  • Standard library
  • Reading files
  • Writing files
  • Interacting with file systems
  • Binary data
  • Command-line arguments and files
  • The ‘with’ statement
  • Comma separated values files
  • Derived classes
  • Accessing base class attributes
  • Overriding class methods
  • Is-a versus has-a relationships
  • Mixin classes and multiple inheritance
  • Testing your code: The unittest module
  • Recursive functions
  • Recursive algorithm: Search
  • Adding output statements for debugging
  • Creating a recursive function
  • Recursive math functions
  • Recursive exploration of all possibilities
  • Introduction to plotting and visualizing data
  • Styling plots
  • Text and annotations
  • Numpy
  • Multiple plots
Searching and Sorting Algorithms
  • Searching and algorithms
  • Binary search
  • O notation
  • Algorithm analysis
  • Sorting: Introduction
  • Selection sort
  • Insertion sort
  • Quicksort
  • Merge sort

Your score provides a percentage score and letter grade for each course. A passing percentage is 70% or higher.

Assignments for this course include:

  • Midterm Exam
  • Final Exam

There is no text for this course. All materials are included in the course fee.

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