Is It Too Late to Go to College in September?

Is It Too Late to Go to College in September?

2 minute read

It's that time of year! Every mid-summer, we write a post that reassures students that it is not too late to plan to start college in September, even if they have no firm plans in place. And yes, this includes you too!

Why Not Start College Now?

Maybe you applied to some colleges for September, and you didn’t get into the college of your choice. Maybe you were moving full steam ahead to start college this fall, but your financial aid package didn’t work out. Maybe you weren’t even planning to go to college next year, but suddenly it looks like a very good idea. (Hey, what’s wrong with that?) If you find yourself in one of those situations, don’t sweat it. You see, it’s not too late. You can start college in September. In fact, you can start today – if you decide to take college courses online. You can start taking them right here at StraighterLine and jumpstart your college education that way.

Here’s a strategy to apply . . .

  1. Start college by taking StraighterLine courses.  You’ll find a terrific selection of the same courses that you’d be taking in September at regular brick-and-mortar colleges.  You don’t even need to wait until September – you can get started today.
  2. Apply to colleges later on and ask them to accept the credits that you have earned in your online work at StraighterLine.  It’s another way to start college online now, and then carry your education forward.
  3. Take courses at StraighterLine and transfer them to one of our partner colleges. You can then enroll in the Partner College of your choice as a regular or online student.

So don’t worry too much if September is knocking on your door and you haven’t made plans to start college yet. Today is a great day to get started.

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